Lunch Club Sponsors

An Annual $200 Gift Provides a Client 60 MEALS a Year!


In the quiet corners of Summerville, there lives a resilient woman named "Mary".

Mary, now in her late seventies, finds herself alone in her small, cozy home. Her days are often filled with silence, the only company being her loyal little dog, "Max". Max is more than just a pet; he is her family, her confidant, and her constant source of comfort.

Life has not been easy for Mary. With no family nearby and no means of transportation, she has learned to navigate her days with limited resources. Recently, her struggles intensified when her old air conditioner broke down during the sweltering summer months. Without a phone, she had no way to call for help. To make matters worse, she had run out of her essential medication, leaving her feeling vulnerable and scared.

Despite her challenges, Mary never lost hope. She knew there were kind souls in her community who cared. And she was right.

One day, a volunteer from Meals on Wheels of Summerville arrived with her regular meal delivery. Seeing Mary’s distress and learning about her situation, the volunteer quickly spread the word among the community. What followed was a heartwarming cascade of compassion and support.

First, a generous volunteer donated a new air conditioner. Another volunteer, skilled with tools, arrived shortly thereafter to install it, ensuring that Mary and Max could stay cool and comfortable. The relief in Mary’s eyes was palpable as she felt the cool breeze fill her home once again.

Knowing that Mary’s health was at risk without her medication, a long-time volunteer took it upon themselves to contact her doctor’s office. They explained the situation, and with their help, Mary’s medication was quickly refilled and delivered to her doorstep.

Understanding the importance of staying connected, the office staff reached out to social services on Mary’s behalf. They were able to secure resources to provide her with a phone, ensuring that she would never be left without a means to call for help again.

Meanwhile, Max, Mary’s beloved dog, was in need of care as well. His nails had grown long and unmanageable. Another kind-hearted volunteer stepped in to clip Max’s nails, bringing relief to both the dog and his grateful owner.

Lastly, seeing the overgrown state of Mary’s lawn, a dedicated volunteer committed to regularly maintaining it. This act of kindness not only improved Mary’s living environment but also lifted her spirits, knowing that her home was being cared for.

Mary’s story is a testament to the incredible power of community. It highlights how the collective efforts of volunteers can transform lives, bringing hope and support to those who need it most. Through the unwavering dedication of Meals on Wheels of Summerville and its network of compassionate volunteers, Mary’s life was touched in profound ways, reminding us all that we are never truly alone and Meals on Wheels of Summerville is so much more than a meal.


A Huge THANK YOU to our Current Lunch Club Sponsors!!!

Ridge Lake Farm & Pottery

Jay & Rita Torner

Disaster Relief

C&C Freedom Properties, LLC

Vonie Gilreath

Dawn Devine